Sunday 29 December 2019

Week 3 | Day 1 | Activity 2: Influencers

Youtube Channel: If I had a youtube channel I would vlog. A vlogging channel is creating an interactive video about an event or your daily life and etc. I would vlog about my life, upcoming celebrations, events and probably my routines. I would like to have a vlogging channel, because I like to show others what I do in my life, and the events. 

This week for day 1, activity 2 of week 3 for SLJ, on our blog we wrote about what type of youtube channel we would have. For this activity we imagined that we had a youtube channel. We included what it would be about and the kinds of videos we would upload. I would have a vlogging channel, because I would like to show others what I do in life and the events that I have in my culture.


  1. Great idea for a YOUTUBE channel viral do you think it would go? Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  2. A vlogging channel sounds like a great idea! - I think you can create some lovely videos under that category. A channel like this could almost be seen as a diary...Because you're able to capture and record your life and all the experiences you face. Do you have any vlogging channels you already look up to, or are inspired by? Nice work!

  3. Hey Sakina!
    Great Job on this activity! I think you have done a great job because it was nicely detailed. Good luck for the results of the SLJ!

  4. Hi Sakina,
    I liked how you said that if you had a YouTube channel you'd do vlogs about your life and the things that you do. I also liked how you said you'd want to show other people your culture. Would it just have you, or would your family be in it too?


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