Thursday 10 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey|Taking Action|The Power Of Ten

1. Zebras, because they were my favorite animal when I was small.
2. Tui, because they are a bird from NZ.
3. Chettah, because they are my favorite animal and fast.
4. Monkey, because they are just like humans.
5. Fox, because they are part of the dog family.
6. Giant panda, because they remind me of teddy bears.
7. Grey whale, because they remind me of the sea.
8. Indiana Bat, because they make me remember vampires.
9. Finless porpoise, because they look cute like dolphins.
10. Meercats, because they are also my favorite animal.

This week for activity 3, day 3 of week 4 of Summer Learning Journey, we had to list 10 animals we would save from extinction and why its important to save them. I would save all the animals if I had a chance. They are all amazing.


  1. Mōrena Sakina,

    Georgia here, from the Kaikohekohe (Northland) cluster! You will be seeing me and Dani floating around your cluster today, because you guys are so busy. It is awesome to see how much effort and joy you guys are putting into your blog posts, keep this up!

    I like how you used a range of birds, animals and plants! It’s hard to pick just 10 animals to save, don’t you think?
    I didn’t know that foxes were apart of the dog family (canidae), thank you for teaching me this. I really enjoyed reading this blog post of yours because you included personal comments and reasons to why you want to save that specific animal. Do you know anymore facts about the cheetah? I think the cheetah is an awesome animal.

    Don’t forget that you can get extra points by posting meaningful, thoughtful and positive comments on any other bloggers post! Keep up the awesome work!

    Blog you later!
    Georgia E

  2. Hello Sakina! I agree that every animal should be saved from extinction. It was hard picking a specific 10 to rescue for this activity since all animals are friends. I liked how you chose to represent this activity, I was able to easily understand it. I read that you chose some animals because you liked them, what is your favourite animal? Keep it up!

  3. Kia Ora Sakina,

    It's me Araura from Wesley Primary School,

    First of all congratulations on your amazing post.
    I love your choices of animals that you have chosen. I agree every animal should be save from extinction. I had now idea foxes are part of the dog family.
    True monkeys are like humans. Personality wise they are but not look wise.

    Anyways keep up the good work.

    Blog you later Bye 😀

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  6. Hi Sakina,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you chose the Tui because it's from New Zealand. I find it interesting that you chose the giant panda because they remind you of teddy bears, and the Indianan bat because they remind you of vampires. If you could pick 10 more animals, which ones would you choose?


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