Monday 9 December 2019

Activity 3: Big Friendly Giants

This week for day 1, activity 3 for the teaser week of SLJ, our challenge was to write a character description and a drawing  of the big friendly giant. Before that we listened to David Williams reading a page of the BFG, where the big friendly giant talks about one of his favourite hobbies to Sophie. David Williams is a British actor and comedian. After we listened to the BFG, we created our character description and drawing. In the character description, I included the BFG's personality and what he looks like.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Sakina,

    What an amazing blog post that you have created this morning. The drawing that you have drawn looks very detailed and realistic. The descriptive words that you have used sounds very enthusiastic as well. I liked it how you compared the BFG's ears to an elephants size.

    Great work and keep it up !


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