Monday 29 June 2020

Matariki Summary

LI: To explain in fewer words what Matariki is about.

This week for Matariki, we completed different activities, to show or understanding about Matariki. Florence, Sakshi and I worked together to complete a summary about what Matariki is. In our summary, we included 20 important words, 6 of the most important words and summed up those 6 words to create a few sentences. Matariki, is a celebration which celebrates Maori New Year.

Optical Illusions

LI: To explore optical illusions.

This week, Mr Johnston came to LS2 and taught us about optical illusions. An optical illusion is something that tricks your eyes, making an object look different. Mr Johnston gave us an optical illusion activity, where we drew a fish and a fishbowl onto two different pieces of paper. Then we created a DLO, explaining what optical illusions are, how it works and an explanation of the activity Mr Johnston gave us. I really enjoyed learning about optical illusions. 

What Is Matariki?

LI: To use our knowledge, to explain what Matariki is. 

This week for Matariki, we completed different activities, to show our understand about Matariki. Florence, Sakshi and I watched a video to build up our knowledge about Maori New Year. We created a DLO, to explain what Matariki is. Our poster included, how Matariki is celebrated, what Matariki is, what Matariki means and a legend. I really enjoyed learning about Matariki. 

Sunday 28 June 2020

Careers: Dentist

LI: To explore a career that interests me.

I took the Career Quest quiz to help me find and explore a career that interests me. At the end the three options I chose were a Dentist, Optometrist and a Building Contractor. Out of those three options, I chose one that interested me the most and created a DLO about a dentist. This DLO shows what a Dentist is, the pathway/subjects I need to learn to become a dentist, the payments and the entry requirements.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Long Division

LI: To find the answer to the questions using long division. LI: To be able to explain the steps of long division.

This week in Maths, we learnt how to use the long division strategy. We answered a few questions using the long division strategy to be able to understand it. After answering maths questions, Haylee and I created a DLO explaining the long division strategy we used with an example of a division question we answered. I had a lot of fun answering these division questions.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

What Is Light?

LI: To use our understanding about light to create a DLO.

This week for Inquiry, Mr Johnston came to LS2 to teach us about light. Cassius and I worked together to create a DLO about the information we gained about light. In our DLO, we included what light is and interesting facts. Two interesting facts I found out about light, is that light can only travel in a straight line and white light is made up of the 7 rainbow colors, also known as ROYGBIV.


LI: To explain how periscopes work. 

This week for Inquiry, Mr Johnston came over to LS2 and taught us about periscopes and how they are used. Cassius and I worked together to create a DLO about periscopes, including what a periscope is, an interesting fact and how they work. Mr Johnston taught us that the angle of incidence equals to the angle of reflection. Something interesting I had found out was that soldiers used periscopes to observe the area to see if their enemies were near by.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

Calendar Challenge

LI: To find the most efficient strategy to solve the problem.

This week in maths, Haylee, Florence and I worked together to complete a maths challenge. We used the most efficient strategy to solve this maths challenge. To solve this strategy, we first subtracted 6.90 fron 12 which equals to 5.10. Then we multiplied 148 by 5.10, equaling to 759.90. This maths challenge was quite challenging to solve. I really enjoyed completing this challenge.

Subway Challenge

LI: To find the most efficient strategy to solve the problem.

This week in Maths, Haylee, Florence and I worked together to solve a maths challenge. In our strategy, we used the most efficient one, we found more confident. We started off by adding up all of combos that are $7.00 with how many people need them. Then we multiplied the total by 7 equaling 441. After that, we added up the total of the chicken combo which cost $7.50. Then we multiplied the total by 7.50 which equals 390. Once we did that, we added the two totals, which equals to 831.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Polynesian Panthers

LI: To use the information you gained from the text to create a DLO about the Polynesian Panthers. 

 This week for reading we read a text called Polynesian Panthers. Haylee and I created a DLO using the information from the text, to tell others about this protest. In our DLO, we included who the Polynesian Panthers are, what happened and how this effected our community. Two interesting facts, Haylee and I found out was that the police and government, didn't raid the British and North Americans overstayers, and that the Polynesians weren't accepted back in those days, because we thought that everyone would be accepted for who they are.

Polynesian Panthers Evaluation

LI: To read the information in the text, think about what you have read and form an opinion.

This week in Reading, our reading group, Kakapo read a true text called the Polynesian Panthers. When we finished reading the text, we completed an evaluation DLO as a group. In our evaluation, we included the important events, two events we think are the most important, questions we have after reading the text and our opinion about the Polynesian Panthers. In my opinion, I think the Polynesian Panthers, had the right to protest, because they wanted to stand up for the Polynesians and to help educate people. 

Thursday 11 June 2020

Tech | Robotics

LI:To learn how to figure out the binary of numbers.

This week in Robotics, we looked at binary. Binary is a technique of counting and means two, which are used by computers since they are made of switches that are turned off and on. Usually we're used to counting in decimals, meaning ten. To learn how to find out the binary of numbers, we went outside and did an activity. We also played binary games, so we could understand it more. After that, we made a copy of a google slide and wrote binary's of numbers, our names and a message in binary. I really enjoyed figuring out the binary of numbers.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Sakina Blogpost Analysis

LI: To analyse our blog post data to help us set learning goals.

This week in Maths, we created a blog post analysis graph. From our blog, we got our blog archive and found out the average number of monthly and weekly blog posts. For this blog post analysis, the average also known as the mean, is the same amount for each day, week, month or year. We created a google draw explaining our blog post analysis story, the average and a learning goal we set for this year, using our blog post data/statistics.  My goal this year is to achieve 230 blog posts, which means I should post 5 blog posts weekly. Above I have created a video on how to create a blog post analysis.

Kowhaiwhai Patterns

LI: To design a kowhaiwhai pattern for our PBS Te Reo Blog.


Kowhaiwhai patterns are art patterns created by Maori  and are most likey found in Maori community houses/Wharnui. Kowhaiwhai patterns are a traditional part of the Maori culture and are very important, because it tells the history of the iwi tribe and Maori ancestors.

In the middle, the small leaves represents different communities in New Zealand and  the swirls on the outside represents a shield protecting New Zealand. 

Tuesday 9 June 2020

Wahine Disaster

LI: To use the information you gained from the text, to create a DLO about the Wahine Disaster. 

 This week in reading we read a true story called “Escape from the Wahine”. Haylee, Chris and I worked collaboratively, to create a DLO about the Wahine Disaster. In our DLO, we included questions, with the answers from the story. Something I found interesting was that there were 733 passengers on board and 51 died.

Monday 8 June 2020

Wahine Evaluation

LI: To read the information in the text, think about what you have read and form an opinion.

 This week in Reading, Kakapo worked together to complete an evaluation about the true story called "Escape from the Wahine". In our evaluation, we listed factors needed to be considered when thinking about why the Wahine sunk, two factors we think are important, questions we have after reading the story and our opinion on who or what was to blame for the Wahine sinking. We collaborated and shared our opinions about the Wahine disaster. 

Wahine Summary

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text is about.

This week in reading, Kakapo read a true story called "Escape from the Wahine". First we did reciprocal reading, so we could understand the true story and help each other. After doing reciprocal reading, we created a summary about the Wahine Disaster, as a group. In this summary, we included 20 important words and 6 most important words to sum up the words in a few sentences. Something interesting I found out about this story, was that the storm occurred unexpectedly and was the worst storm in New Zealand.

Thursday 4 June 2020

PBS Livestream Assembly

This week we watched a live stream of assembly, which started during lockdown so PBS could connect together. This was our 2nd to last livestream assembly. Ms Pride, Mrs Kirkpatrick and Mr Johnson worked together to create the live stream, to bring us together and to be able to have assemblies during lockdown.

Tech | Robotics

LI: To learn how to code an m-bot to sense something, by using the force.

This week at Tamaki College, we did robotics with Miss Ferguson. First we learnt what sonic and ultrasonic meant. Sonics means sound waves, and ultrasonic means a soundwave that can't be heard by humans. In robotics, we focused on the ultrasonic sensor and codes to code our m-bot to sense our hand, so it goes to the other direction, by using force. We went onto mblock to figure out the sequence. Once figuring out the sequence we wrote down the input, algorithm and output of our sequence, and took a video to show how our m-bots react to the sequence. I really enjoyed coding our m-bots.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

Cityscape of Kabul

LI: To write a description of my cityscape using prepositions

This is my cityscape of Kabul. In the middle of my cityscape is Kabul Tower, which is the most prominent building. The Kabul Tower is the tallest building in Afghanistan and is 18 stories high. It cost about 773.9 million dollars, and took 2 years to build. To the right in this cityscape is Eidgah Great Mosque. Did you know that about 1 million people pray there for Eid? The buildings in front of Kabul stand out brightly. Not many people know that every year 20,000 people visit Kabul. To the left of this cityscape is Tajbeg Palace, which is home to the royal family. 

For my cityscape I decided to create a warm colored background, consisting with the colors of red, yellow and orange to make a sunset. For my background I used chalk pastels, which helped me blend in my colors together. I used white to make my background a bit lighter. My cityscape includes a reflection from the water, making it look more detailed.

Exponents Challenge

LI: To understand the exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication. 

This week in maths we learnt how to use exponents. Haylee, Florence and I worked collaboratively to complete a maths challenge. Exponents tells how many times you use a number in a multiplication. We created a DLO to show others our understand about this maths challenge. In our DLO, we included the important information and our strategies. I really enjoyed solving this maths challenge.