Wednesday 9 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey|Taking Flight|Flying Foxes

Image result for Teleportation
This week for activity 2, day 3 of week 3 of Summer Learning Journey, we had to tell what superpower we would have and why. I would like to have teleportation because if i'm late for something I can just teleport. I can also just teleport if there are any problems, I can steal items then teleport and more. That is why I want teleportation powers.


  1. Hello Sakina! Teleportation sounds like a great power for all the right reasons. It's great to see how fast you are catching up with the activities. Keep it up!

  2. Hi Sakina,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you also chose teleportation. Although when I chose teleportation I didn't really think about the stealing aspect of it, I do agree that if you have any problems or run into any trouble you can escape from it. If you could choose another super power, which one would you choose?


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