Thursday 10 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey|The Sky’s the Limit!|Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution

1. Not using that much plastic.
2. Picking up rubbish of my own and other rubbish I see.
3. Not Littering.

This week for activity 1, day 5 of week 4 of Summer Learning Journey, we had to tell three things that we could do to help save Earth. This activity was worth 4 points. I had enjoyed listing three things I could do to help save Earth.


  1. Hello Sakina! You have listed some good strategies to save the planet. I think using reusable material and objects would be better than plastic. Keep it up!

  2. Hi Sakina,

    Good points you make! I think picking up your own rubbish as well as those of others makes a lot of sense! Have you done that before? I tried it, and it's amazing how quickly a bag fills up with rubbish.

    The key point you make is for people not to litter in the first place! If only everyone could follow the rule then we'd mostly be fine.

    Great work you are doing!
    Talk to you soon
    - Lee

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  4. Hi Sakina,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you said that we should stop using so much plastic and pick up rubbish. Although it's easy to say that you're going to pick up all the rubbish you see, not many people can actually be bothered doing it. Also, most of the things in shops and supermarkets are either made out of or wrapped inside of plastic, how do you think we can get people to stop using plastic?


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