Thursday 2 January 2020

Week 3 | Day 4 | Activity 3: Putting Our Heads Together

This week for day 4, activity 3 of week 3 for SLJ, we created a poster about mental health. We imagined that John Kirwan, Mike King and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge called us and asked us to create a poster for their mental health organization. They have all created organizations to help people who have struggles/problems with their mental health.


  1. Hey Sakina,

    This is a great poster filled with lots of great detail and nicely designed so the paragraphs are broken up and the picture actually adds a lot to make the poster visually interesting even though there's only one.

    I love how your talk about how this is a multitude of issues that many people struggle with. I think it's really important that your poster normalises this idea of mental health. The quote is a great last bit to empower people and summarise the purpose of the poster.

    Great poster Sakina, simple, neat, really informative and professional.
    See you in the comments.

    Daniel :)

  2. Wow Sakina! This is a very eye-catching poster, and definitely explains what their organisation is about. I like how you included a quote as well! Something I put into my poster as well...I think what "Heads Together" is doing, is really inspiring. It's amazing to see how they are helping others who struggle with their mental health...Superb work!

  3. Hey Sakina!
    Great Job on this activity! I think you have done a great job because it was nicely detailed. Good luck for the results of the SLJ!


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