Sunday 17 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey- Day 1, Activity 1

For day 1 activity 1 of summer learning journey we had to read Maui and the giant fish. We had to click on a link to read Maui and the giant fish. Then we had to write 3 facts that we learnt about Maui. We also had to write down what other stories we have heard about Maui. The books that I have heard is How Maui defied the Goddess of Death, Maui and the sun and  Battle of the Mountains. I had to read some of the paragraphs of Maui and the giant fish, so that I could find facts. 
1- Maui caught a giant fish without using any bait that his brothers didn't give, because they were laughing. 

2- Maui made a plan, so that he could prove to his brothers that he was a good fisherman. 

3- Maui hit himself on the nose and covered the hook with his blood.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sakina,
    My name is Patricia Santos and I will be blogging with you for the Summer Learning Journey.
    Well done on complete activity 1. I can see that you attempt to state the 3 facts that you learnt about Maui. I really like the fact that you have listed how Maui made a plan to proven himself as a good fisherman. Also I though it was really good that you added some other information that you already knew about Maui in the beginning, which means that you did read the task thoroughly.
    Perhaps you could try to explain more clearly the 3rd point as why he use his blood instead of bait. I recommend that actually point 1 and 3 could go together and make one clear point. Could you think about another fact that you learned about Maui to make it 3 clear points?

    Kia Kaha,



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