Wednesday 6 December 2017

Kiwi Can

This week we had kiwi can with Ms. Latoya and Ms. Lily. For all the sessions we played games. First Ms. Lily had to put us into 2 groups. After we got into groups we had to go outside to play a game. For the game 1 of the groups had to be the taggers and the other had to try and run away. The taggers had a ball to tag a person that is not in their group. The taggers couldn't move around with the ball and they couldn't throw the ball to tag someone. If we went in a hula hoop we were safe and we could only stay in the hula hoop for 5 seconds. For the next game we had to get into our group and make a circle. 1 person from the other group had to come in the middle of the circle. There was a cone in the middle too. The person that was in the middle had to try and stop the ball from hitting the cone. The group that was around the circle had to try and roll the ball to the cone, so that the cone falls down. If the cone falls down the person in the middle had to go back to their circle. Then another person had to be in the group. For the last game we had to go back inside and practice making a tower with trays and a bucket. Then we had to go back outside and make the tower again. After 2 people from each team had to be in the middle. Ms. Latoya or Ms. Lily had to throw the ball up high and the 2 people had to try and catch the ball. 1 team had to wear bibs.  The person that catches the ball had to pass it to someone in their team. The person with the ball couldn't move. Their was a person by the tower so that they could keep it from falling. We had to try and throw the ball to the other groups tower, so that it could fall down. If the tower fall the group that crushed it with the ball won. Once we finished playing the game we went back to class.

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