Sunday 1 October 2017

PBS Holiday Reading Program-Bonus Activity Day 2

For the bonus activity for day 2 I had to find adventurous activities that you could do at the Sky Tower. After I found a adventurous activity I had to pick one of them and explain why I chose it and how much it costs. The adventurous activity that I picked was bungee jump. The price for bungee jump is really expensive. I decided to write down everything on a google draw. I added a photo of bungee jump to show you how it looks like with a person doing it.


  1. Hi Sakina I really like this google draw you have made for this activity. I like the image you have used and how the background is blue because it represents the sky which goes really well with this topic. Keep up the amazing work!

  2. Hi Sakina that really looks so scary. Would you go on it if you could in real life?

  3. Hi Sakina!
    Great job on completing this! I like how you said that you'd want to go on it because you like trying new things. I have a question though, if you did go one day would you take someone in your family with you?
    Great work!


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