Tuesday 3 September 2019

Explanation:Should NZ Ban Plastic Straws?

Have you ever thought about what a single plastic straw could do to our environment? Well you’ve probably used plastic straws all the time. You probably haven’t realized, that you have been harming creatures using plastic straws!. Well plastic straws can be really harmful to many creatures. Can you guess how many years it takes for plastic straws to biodegrade? Well did you know that plastic straws take about 500 years to break down. These years are more than our lifetime.

If you think about it, there are many micro plastics in oceans around the world, which can poison and effect these poor creatures. On the news, have you seen many creatures getting hurt and being harmed by plastic straws?. If you have, do you ever feel sad, would you ever give up using plastic straws?!. Plastic straws can be really harmful to these creatures. Do you want to see creatures to stop breathing and start bleeding?. This is what plastic straws can really lead to. Creatures swallowing plastic straws can even affect them from digesting food!.

Almost everyone in this world, uses plastic straws while others have done the right thing and stopped using plastic straws. It's time for us to make a big change and ban plastic straws. About 65,000 plastic straws have been laying on the beaches in NZ. Plastic straws lead to a lot of pollution. Between 5 to 10% of plastic straws are being filled up on beaches. Plastic straws are a waste of using, because once you use them, it’ll be thrown out, so why have plastic straws?

Plastic straws are harmful, dangerous and poisonous to these creatures. In a few years there will be more plastic than creatures. Think about all the fish that would be gone in a few more years. How are we going to have fish and chips if there aren't any fish? How are we supposed to eat our favorite dish that includes fish, but there isn’t any fish? This is what plastic straws can really do to these creatures.

This is my opinion of plastic straws! I won’t change my opinion for the fact that these poor and helpless creatures are being hurt. We need to and we should ban plastic straws immediately!, for the safety of these creatures.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sakina,
    You have a good persuasive writing. I like how you added alot of powerful words and exaggeration to catch the readers attention. You have a great reason and explanation of why we should ban plastic straws.You had great facts and statistics.
    Great Work.


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