Thursday 12 April 2018

Information about Anpanman

LI: To priortise task and collaborate to complete a job on time. This week for cybersmart we had to make a DLO about Anpanman or Doraemon. First we had to get into groups of 4 or 5. I worked with Farzana, Pua, Florence and Afatia. Then we had to make a google docs. For the google docs we had to make a planning. We had to write down who was doing each question on the LS1 site. Once we did that we had to show the teacher. After that we had to make a DLO about Anpanman or Doraemon. The character that we chose was Anpanman. The DLO that we did was a google slide. For the google slide we had to find out what Anpanman is, what his skills are, who is his friends, what they believe in, what is his main goal, who invented him, when was his first appearance and what was the first medium they appeared in. We had to use the searching skills to find out things about Anpanman. We had to make sure we had photos and video for our google slide. We collaborated because we all helped each other and we talked to each other on how to finish the DLO more quickly. We prioritised because we made a google doc of which question is most important.

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