Wednesday 22 May 2019

Information Report|Emperor Penguins

This week in writing, we learnt how to write an information report. The purpose of an information report is to inform others about a topic/subject. The structure is tips, which stands for title, introduction, paragraphs of information and summary. Some of the language features we need in a information report are formal language, technical words, scientific name of animal, subheadings and present tense. This week we wrote a information report about any type of penguins. We made notes about penguins with a partner. My partner and I decided to write notes about Emperor penguins. After that we individually wrote our information report using the notes we wrote.

Image result for emperor penguins

Emperor Penguins

Emperor penguins, also known as Aptenodytes forsteri are known as the tallest penguins out of 17 penguin species. These penguins mostly live in the coldest country in the world, so that means that they live in Antarctica which is in the Southern Hemisphere. Did you know that there are about 220, 00 pairs of Emperor penguins. Emperor penguins can dive into the sea to about 550 metres below!. Would you be able to swim 550 metres deep?. No other penguin species can dive that deep. While in the sea these Emperor penguins can hold their breath underwater for 20 minutes!. There are fascinating things most of us don’t know about these Emperor penguins.

Emperor penguins are the height of about 1.3 metres tall and weight 25 kgl!. Penguins have a special type of oil on their feathers, which they preen. Penguins have blubbers that keeps them warm from the cold. When there's really bad weathers like hurricanes, penguins huddle together in a circle to keep each other protected. Penguins have a black head, white belly, a beak, flippers and small feat which makes it hard for penguins to walk. Their white bellies can actually be camouflaged when in the sea. You can’t see their ears, because it’s actually covered with feathers.

Emperor penguins are carnivores who feeds on fish, krill (which are crustaceans), squid (which are cephalopods) and other small sea animals. Penguins can’t taste the food they catch, so they swallow it full. Penguins catch their food one at a time. When there is a egg, the mother searches for food while the father looks after the penguin egg. The mother comes back after 2 months with lots of food enough for her egg. Penguins need to be on the lookout of any predators, like seals( which are mammals), orcas ( which are killer whales) , sharks ( which are fish), sea lions ( which are mammals from the group pinnipeds), leopard seals ( which are seals that are the second largest from the species of seals) and many more.

Emperor penguins live mainly in the Southern Hemisphere in Antarctica, where the sea, snowy mountains and ice is. Some other species also live in Antarctica, but they also live in Australia and Africa. Would you be able to survive in Antarctica?

Did you know that penguins can’t cry. There are about 17 species of penguins!.  Penguins mostly spend their time underwater rather than on land. Emperor penguins are wonderful penguins. They are the only penguins who breed in the winter season.

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