Tuesday 23 June 2020

What Is Light?

LI: To use our understanding about light to create a DLO.

This week for Inquiry, Mr Johnston came to LS2 to teach us about light. Cassius and I worked together to create a DLO about the information we gained about light. In our DLO, we included what light is and interesting facts. Two interesting facts I found out about light, is that light can only travel in a straight line and white light is made up of the 7 rainbow colors, also known as ROYGBIV.

1 comment:

  1. Salam Sakina

    Wow, What a great piece of writing you have write there. I really liked how you have taught us interesting information about what is light and I like how you have showed us what is light by using facts. The most interesting fact is that'light is made up of the 7 rainbow colours, also known as ROYGBIV'.

    What are the two facts that you don't really like out of those 5 facts?

    Keep the great blogging sakina!


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