Tuesday 15 October 2019

Early Maori Enterprise

This week in inquiry, we learnt about Maori enterprise and economic. First we made notes about the enterprise and economics. Then we turned it into a 5 sentence summary. We used a strategy to write our summary. For this strategy, we tried to have 10 syllables in each sentence, to make it shorter and take out all the words we don't need. Then as a group we read it to the class.

Our Old Summary-

In the early Maori enterprise, Maori were the first to exchange different items and vegetables from long distances with hapu and iwi. During 1840-1860 The Maori produced and supplied food to the villages that were in spring. In the early 1840’s Maori created large markets of food produced by tribal teams. The inland Maori traded with the coastals tribes, while the west Maori gave kai moana. As the Maori were trading, they traded too many valuable items which left with nothing else to trade.

Our New Summary-

Maori were the first to exchange items. Maori traded with hapu and iwi. They also created markets of food. Whanau would also make kai-moana. Maori started exchanging years ago.

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