I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 28 February 2018
Kiwi Sport
This week we had Softball with Ashley. First Ashley split us up into 2 groups. One groups was the fielders and the other groups was the batters. There was cones spread out. The fielder had to go behind the cones. The batters had to hit 2 balls with the bat. The fielders had to try and get the balls and put it on 2 cones that was near the bat. The fielders could only move once the batters hit both balls. The batters had to run and go to bases, then they had to come back. The batters had to try and do it a lot of times to get points. For the first round my group was the batters and the other groups was the fielders. There was a soft ball on a small soft ball pole, where we could hit the ball. For the last round my group was the fielders and the other groups was the batters. Once we finished playing this game we sat down on the field and told Ashley how to bat. To bat we have to have our little knuckles lined up, our hands together, legs and shoulders width apart, elbow up, bat on throwing shoulder and our eyes had to be on the ball.
Kiwi Sport,
Imaginative Recount
LI:To plan and write an imaginative recount. This week for writing we had to write a imaginative recount. First we had to watch a video called Little Boat. Then we had to go on coggle, make a new diagram and write down title, reveal, events and the ending. For the title we had to make a title up about the video we watched, for reveal we had to put in the who, when, where and why, for events we had to put in what happened and for the ending we had to write our personal reflections. They all had to be about the video Little Boat. Once we finished making the planning we had to write down a imaginative recount about the Little Boat. For the imaginative recount we had to act like we were the little boat. I had fun writing a imaginative recount. Here is the link- Little Boat
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Maths Strategies
LI: To learn and understand how to solve addition and subtraction problems using maths strategies.
This week for maths we had to make a DLO that shows maths strategies you already know. We also had to explain how we do the maths strategies. First we had to write a 2 digit equation, then we had to solve it using the maths strategies. The equation that I did was 56 + 28 = ?. The maths strategies that I did was number lines, place value, number bonds and vertical maths. I explained how to do it for all of the maths strategies I already know. I had to use some shapes and texts to do the maths strategies.
Blog Commenting
Today I decided to comment on Matthew's blog. The post that I commented on was Matthew's Kiwi Sport post. I think that Matthew did great work at posting his Kiwi Sport post. I really like the way he added a image of what he did. I only wanted to know who was his partner for Kiwi Sport, but except for that I think he did well. Here is the link- Matthew's blog
Kiwi Can
This week for kiwi can we had Ms. Lily and Mr. Matt. Our topic for today is fearless ad fearplay, but our theme is positive relationships. We had to learn how to encourage other people. First we had to get into 4 groups of equal people in each group. We then had to make a circle to play the first activity. The activity we played was called Tigerlo. Mr. Matt had to be in the middle. Whenever Mr. Matt said tiger we had to say ra and we had to act like a tiger. Whenever Mr. Matt said buffalo we had to say hoo and we also had to put 2 fingers up for each hand. For this game we could have 2 or 3 practise round. For this game Victoria won. Once we finished playing this game we played Clap Jump. For this game there had to be 2 taggers. Whenever Mr. Matt or Ms. Lily clapped we all could hop 1 time. The taggers had to try and tag us. If Mr. Matt or Ms. Lily nearly claps we couldn't jump. We only had 2 rounds. For the first round Sandra and Lorenzo were the taggers. I got out by Lorenzo. For the second round their was 3 taggers. The taggers were Miiana, Sione and Matthew. For this round I got out by Matthew and Miiana. I had a lot of fun playing this game. When we finished playing this activity we had to get back into our 4 lines. We had to do GKQ/ General Knowledge. Our buzzer was tapping our heads with both of your hands and saying our names. At the end on the day we went back to class. Our chant is- Kiwi Can says when you argue sort it out, don't shout, work it out.
Kiwi Can,
Positive Relationships
Monday, 26 February 2018
This vs That
LI: To learn how to compare Olympics and PBS. To This week for an inquiry must do we had to make a copy of a DLO comparing the Olympics and PBS. For the Olympics we had to write down the motto, creed, flag and the values of the Olympics. For PBS we had to write down the motto, whakatauki, the PBS logo and the care values. We had to work in pairs, but I worked with Victoria and Farzana. This information we had to find was easy to find. We had to go on websites to find some of the information. The Olympic Motto and the PBS motto connect because the PBS motto talks about learning and the Olympic motto talks about your abilities and how you need to train. The Olympic creed and the PBS whakatauki connect because they both want you to do something and motivate you to do something. The Olympic values and the PBS values connect because the PBS values talk about the care values and the Olympic values talk about what they want to see out of the competitors. Lastly the Olympic flag and the PBS flag connect because they both are representing location that has to do with each topic.
Sunday, 25 February 2018
QAR Questions
LI: To make QAR questions about the Niuean Sports day. This week for a reading must do we had to make QAR Questions about the article- Niuean Sports Day. We had to make a DLO and make 2 questions for each QAR questions. The QAR questions are right there, think & search, author and me and on my own. Right there is when you can find the answer easily and it might be in the first paragraph, Think & search is when you have to look through the book to find the answer, Author and me is when you have to use the authors ideas to make your own answer and On my own is when you make up your own answer.
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Blog Commenting
For a commenting must do I commented on Victoria's blog. I commented on Victoria's Blog post Bar Graph Stats. I think that Victoria did a really good job. I like how Victoria made her own LI:. I also like the way she made amazing statements for each of her graphs. Here is the link to her blogs- Victoria's blog
SSR Selfie
LI: To summaraise and retell some text. This week for a daily 6 I decided to do SSR Selfie. For SSR Selfie you have to read a book, make a slide on the SSR Selfie slide, take a picture of your book and summarise your book. The book that I did was Anh Do Weirdo 3 [Extra Weird]. The photo of your book had to be next to the text. Our summarising had to have 3 or more paragraphs. We also had to have the title of our book at the top of the text.
SSR Selfie,
Free Rice
This week for a writing can do I decided to do Free rice. For free rice you have to answer easy questions, so you can donate grains of rice to hungry people. I donated 530 grains of rice to people. If you want to know if your answer is correct look at the top and you will see it. If you get 1 question right you donate 10 grains of rice and if you get 5 questions right you donate 50 grains of rice. Free rice is a really good game because you can donate grains of rice to hungry people. Here is the link- Free Rice
Winter Olympics 2018
Winter Olympics
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Kiwi Sport-Soft Ball
Today we did Soft ball with Alison. First we had to get into partners. I decided to go with Victoria. Then one of us had to go to a cone that had a softball on it and the other person had to go to a cone without a softball. Then we started to throw the softball to each other. The person who didn't have the ball had to catch it with their hands like a butterfly. The person with the ball had to throw it to their partner. Once we throwed it to each other we did a challenge. For this challenge we had to pass the ball to each other. If we dropped it we had to sit down. If we didn't drop it 1 of us had to move back. For this challenge Victoria and I won. When we finished doing the challenge we had to roll the ball to each other. The person without the ball had to catch it like a monkey and a alligator. If the ball was going somewhere else the person had to move like a crab and catch it. When we finish doing that we had to move like a crab, bend your knees, catch like a alligator and do the criss cross. It was really hard to do. I couldn't even do it proply. Once we did that we said goodbye to Alison and went back to class.
Kiwi Sport,
Blogpost Bar Graph
LI: To create 2 bar graphs showing the amount of blog posts I did. This week for maths we had to make a bar graph about how many blog posts we did. For the blog posts we had to put in the years and the months of our blog posts. When we finished making our bar graphs on a google sheets we had to create a google draw. For the google draw we had to put in the 2 bar graphs and the statements of the 2 graphs.
3 Point Summary
LI: To write a 3 point summary about an article. This week for reading we had to read a book about the Annual Nuiuean Sports Day. After we read the book we got to choose if we wanted to work in pairs or not. I decided to work with Victoria. Then we had to create a 3 point summary and the connections. For the 3 point summary we had to choose 3 of the W's out of the 5 W's. We decided to choose Who, When and What. After that we had to write the connections/relations to the W's we chose.
5 Sentence Recount
LI: To write a 5 sentence recount using ideas.
This week for writing we had to write a 5 sentence recount. First we went outside and played a game using small bean bags. Once we finished playing we came back inside and we had to write a 5 sentence recount about the game we played. The things that we had to include was the reveal, 3 events and the ending. For the ending we had to write about our personal reflection.
5 Sentence,
Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Kiwi Can
This week for kiwi can we had Ms. Lily and Mr. Mat. Our theme for this week is positive relationships and our topic is fearless and fear play. First we had to get into 4 groups of 7 people. Then Ms. Lily and Mr. Mat told us the first activity we had to play. The game was called Freeze tag. For freeze tag 2 people had to be the tagger. The taggers and the people who wasn't the taggers had to speed walk. If the taggers tag you, you had to freeze. If someone didn't get tagged they could put both hands on someone who is frozen, so that the frozen person could speed walk around again. We had to follow the rules so we could stay safe and not get hurt. For the first round the taggers were Jordan and Sandra. I got tagged 4 or 5 times from Sandra and Jordan. For the next round the taggers were Viliami and I. I only tagged 6, 7 or 8 people. For the final round Florence and Lorenzo were the taggers. The taggers had to wear a red or blue band, so it could show that they are the taggers. Once we finished playing this game we had to make a circle and tell Ms. Lily and Mr. Mat the 3 rules of Freeze tag. Ms. Lily halved us into equal 2 groups, so we could play the last activity. For this activity 1 group had to roll the ball to the other group so that it could hit their legs. If someone gets hit by the ball they had to sit down near the wall and watch the others play. The person with ball couldn't bend their leg or move it. For the 1st round my group won and for the last round the other group won. When we finished this game we did GKQ/ General Knowledge Questions. Our buzzer was a dab. At the end we lined up outside and went back to class.
Kiwi Can,
Positive Relationships
Creative Work Attribution
LI: To attribute creative work to the owner. This week for Cyber smart we learnt about attributing a piece of work. We had to choose 1 of our favourite characters and attribute it. I decided to do Hermione Granger. To do the attribution we had to put in the link to the piece of work, the creators name, the link to the creators page, the license and the link of the license information. Attribution is when you give credit to the author who made the piece of work. We have to attribute images so that it can tell people that the work is not yours.
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