Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Kiwi Can

Today we had kiwi can in room 7 with Mr. Malu and Ms. Latoya. The first thing we did was recapping on what we did last week. After we played knots. For knots we had to get into circles. Then we had to put up our right hand a hold it with the person in front of us. We also had to put up our left hand and to the same thing. Once we did that we had to try and untangle each other without letting go of each other. We couldn't do untangle each other but at least we tried. We only got 3 people out, but not all. This game was tricky for me and I thought that it was tricky for other people in my group. For this other game we had to get into the same group, but Ms. Latoya changed 3 of us to 2 other teams. We went outside to play this game. 1 team had to sit out on the benches and the other teams had to play the game. We needed a leader of our team. The leader of our team was Matthew.He told us what we should do to win. We always had to be the defenders and the other teams had to be the attacker.  To play the game we had to try and put the ball on the ground and pass it to the other person so they could do the same thing. We had to try and pass it to each other 5 times so that we could win. My group won all of the rounds except for 1 round. Once we finished we did our catch phrase and went back to class. 

Thursday, 26 October 2017


For a maths can do I did Addle. For Addle you have to put the numbers into the spaces where it has equal signs and a number to make the equation correct. If you want to know where Addle is it is on Transum. I got all of the equations correctly. At the bottom there is a trophy that you can claim. Addle helps me know what equals to the number. I learnt to sum up the numbers correctly.
The link-Addle


For commenting I blogged on Julian's blog. For Julian's blog I did fractions on addition and subtraction. Julian did an excellent job at doing the blog post. I mostly liked the way he added the DLO of equivalent fractions and how he added a good blurb. I comment on people's blog to get better at it.
The link- Julian's Blog

Kiwi Sport Recount

LI:To revise recount writing. For writing we had to write down another recount about Kiwi Sport. We had 40 minutes to write the recount down. We had to make sure we had Ideas, Structure & Language, Organization, Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, Punctuation and Spelling. For Structure & Language we had to remember the word TREE. TREE stands for Title, Reveal, Events and Ending. On the next day we had to mark Alex's and Chavda's recounts. Then we had to mark our own kiwi sport recount. When I finished marking it I added it all up. For my score I got 29. I did better than my production recount because I took time to write my recount and I didn't really add a lot of ands.

This week LS1 did Badminton in the hall with Kevin. We had to sit down on the ground and listen to what Kevin says. The first thing we did was a warm up game. The warm up game was stuck in the mud. For stuck in the mud we had 2 players that was in. The players was Matthew and Charlize. If the players tagged us we had to be in the letter t. If we wanted to be free someone had to clap their hands between our feet and touch our arm. I did free some people who said my name and some people who didn’t, but I didn’t free all of them. Stuck in the mud was a awesome warm up game.

The next thing we had to do was to get a racket and a shottie each and put it on the ground. Then we had listen to what Kevin was saying. Once we finished listening to Kevin we had to pick up the racket and put our hand that we write with. Kevin told us how to do something that starts with forward, but I forgot it. When Kevin told us we had to get the shottie and use the racket to bounce the shottie up and down. I didn’t bounce it a lot, but at least I tried. Kevin told us to sit down and put the racket and the shottie on the ground. This time we did a challenge. We had to try and bounce the shottie with the racket 10 or more times. I didn’t bounce it 10 or more times, but I bounced it 4 or 7 times.

Kevin told us to sit down again and he told us how to do another thing that started with back. Kevin showed us an example of it. When Kevin showed us an example we had to bounce the shottie again, but in the way that Kevin showed us. I tried to concentrate, but I couldn’t get it right. We did a challenge again. We had to try and bounce the ball with the racket 10 or more times. I didn’t get 10 or more bounces again. Some people got it 10 and more times.

The other thing we did was doing the back and the forward skill together. Kevin showed us an example. We then had to try the skill. This was hard for me, but I think for other people it was easy. After we had to do another challenge. The challenge was to do the forward skill and the backward skill. We had to try and bounce the shottie 10 or more times again. I didn’t get 10 or more, but some people did.

After that we had to do another skill. Kevin showed us an example. The skill that we had to do was to bounce the shottie up high, then put the racket between your legs and bounce it. This was the hardest skill yet. I didn’t know that Kevin knew how to do it. We did a challenge again. We had to bounce the shottie up high, then put the racket between your legs and bounce it. You had to try and bounce the shottie 10 or more times again. I just bounced it up hight 2 times. The last thing we had to do was to say bye to Kevin. We also had to line up and go back to LS1. For Badminton I felt really excited for trying something new that I never did.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017


For Maori this week LS1 and I  had Ms. Whaea Odie. Ms.Whaea Odie gave us a sheet of paper that had Maori places at NZ, the NZ map with some numbers on it and text boxed with numbers on it too. We had to get our devices and a pencil and write down the Maori places that go in each number. We had to use our device to go on google maps and search up the Maori places. I found it kind of difficult, but I still worked on my sheet. I had to zoom into the map to find out where the Maori place on the number. If we wrote the English name of the place you still have to write down the Maori name. I didn't have enough time to finish off my sheet because we had to eat lunch. I liked how we had to find out where the Maori places goes in which number.

Kiwi Sport

LI:To learn new skills for Badminton. This week LS1 had kiwi sport in the hall with Kevin. The kiwi sport that we did was Badminton. The first thing we did was doing a warm up game. The warm up game was Stuck in the mud. The taggers was Matthew and Charlize. The students that wasn't in had to run away from the taggers. If you got tagged you had to be like a starfish or the letter t. If you want to be free someone has to clap their hands between your legs and touch your arm. I did free some people, but not all of them. After that we had to get a racket and a shuttle. Kevin showed us a example of doing something that started with the word forward. Once Kevin showed us a example we had to try it out. We had to put the shuttle on the racket and use the racket to juggle the shuttle. Then we had to do a challenge where we had to juggle the shuttle 10 or more times. I didn't get juggle it 10 or more times. Once we did that we had to do something that started with back. We did a challenge on that too. We then had to mix the 2 skills together and try it out. We did a challenge on this skill too. The last skill was to juggle the shuttle with the racket and hitting the shuttle between our legs. We did a challenge on this skill too. I tried a new thing because I don't think that I ever did Badminton

Fractions-Addition & Subtraction

LI:To answer fractions on addition and subtraction. For maths this week we had to make a copy of a google doc and write down the answers for the fractions on addition and subtraction. We also had to do the mixed numerals. If the denominator for the fractions on the addition and subtraction had a different denominator we had to times the questions. This was kind of hard to do but I got over it and wrote the answers that I did. I learnt to answer different kind of fractions on addition and subtraction.


LI:To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text. For reading this week we had to choose a article- Leadership, Resilience and Well being, but we had to get back into our partners and choose which article we want to do. The article that we want to do had to be one of them that we didn't do. The article that I did was Resilience. I had to make a copy of the recording frame so that I could write down things about Resilience. I learnt to read a article and write some things about it.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Pixel Art

LI:To develop artistic and fine motor skills. For a daily 6 this week I did pixel art. The pixel art that I drew was a exclamation mark. I am not really good at measuring so I did pixel art. When I drew the exclamation mark I had to be careful. Once I finished drawing it I colored it with my pencil so that it could show the exclamation mark properly. Pixel art kind of helped me do my measurements properly, but not that much. If I do pixel art again I will try my hardest to make the lines straight. I learnt to have straight lines when I am doing pixel art.

Production Recount

LI:To write a recount and mark it. For writing this week we had to write down a recount about the school production. First we had to plan the recount. Then we had 40 minutes to write down the recount about the school production. When I finished my recount I read the recount so that it can make sense. When it was the next day we had to mark a group's work. My group marked Fui's work. Once we marked Fui's work Mr Ogilvie marked the 4 people who got the highest score.

The School Production
The whole school and I was practising for the dance for the 60th celebration of PBS. We practised because we had to perform on 2 nights where audiences had to come to look and our performances. On Monday’s, Wednesday’s and on Friday’s we practised with Zoey at the hall. Zoey teached us some dance moves and we had to copy her. When we practised with Zoey we did the dance with music.

We kept on trying to get the dance correct without looking at each other.
One day Misses Berk came and gave some of us some provided costumes for the dance. Some groups had to bring their own clothes. The dance that my group was doing was the Single Ladies dance. Whenever we went to practise we had to make 3 lines. The line started from Dougie group, Harlem Shake group, Whip and Nae Nae group, Party group, Gangnam group and Single Ladies group. We had to make sure we were looking at the audience when it was the 2 nights.

When it was the first night we had to come at 6:00 so that we could get dressed. We made sure that we smiled and looked at the audience. If we made mistake on the dance we had to keep on going. On stage we had the lights on us so that we could perform. When I danced I didn’t look at anyone except for the audience. At the same time I was nervous and happy. When we finished the whole dance we had to go outside and go back inside for the other group to dance. For the next night of the production we had to do the same things. This was one of my favourite nights because it was a time for the school to shine and show the audiences our dances.

Local Community Roles

LI:To write down our inner, middle and our outer circle. For inquiry this week we had to make a diagram with 3 or 4 circles. Then we had to write down our community circles. For the inner circle we had to write down the people in our life, the middle circle is for the people you kind of see and the outer circle is for the people who has jobs that are making a good impact on the environment or world. I learnt to write down things in the community.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Raz Kids

This book is about a boy named Kevin who saw a group of boys teasing a small boy. The group of boys was throwing a baseball cap. They were teasing a boy named Joey who was deaf. When the boys was throwing the cap it flew into Kevin's hands. Kevin gave the cap back to Joey. Then Joey ran away. The group of boys was teasing Kevin now. Kevin didn't want to play basket ball with the group of boys anymore. Kevin ran so that the boys didn't tease him anymore. 

Canoe Puppies

For a can do I did Canoe Puppies. For Canoe Puppies you have to answer addition questions. You have to try and get to the finish line first to be the winner. Their is other players that vs you. This game helped me with my addition. I had to answer the questions quickly so that I could win. 
The link- Canoe Puppies


For commenting this week I commented on Hajera's blog. Hajera did the people in our local community. She did a awesome job at doing this post. The link- Hajera's blog

Fraction Video

LI:To add and subtract fractions of the same unit size. For maths this week we had to make a video to show you how to solve addition and subtraction fractions. The app that I used to record this was screencastify. I had to keep trying to make the video right. I learnt to add and subtract fractions.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Well Being

 LI:To use a range of comprehension strategies to go deeper into a text. For reading this week we had to be in pairs. Then we had to chose 1 link from the LS1 site. The links was about Rugby League. The links was Leadership, Resilience and Well being. We had to read the one we chose. After we had to make a copy of a google slide. The slides included 3 vital ideas, 4 very important ideas, important ideas,writing down 20 important words, choosing 6 most important ideas, using the 6 words to put it into a few sentences,what the text was about, what was interesting and why and what questions you have. I was working with Joel and Avalon. We were doing well being.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

PBS Holiday Reading Program- Activity 2 Day 5

How much it costs-
Adult-165 dollars
Children-135 dollars
NZ Student-135 dollars

Minimum Age-10 and over, 14 and under.
Weight-35kg to 150kg.

For activity 2 day 5 I had to find out how much it cost and the requirements to do bungee jump off the Auckland Harbour Bridge. I had to search up how much it costs and the requirements because I didn't know how much it costs and the requirements. The website that I went on helped me finish this activity off. I had a lot of fun finishing off this activity.
The link to the website-Click Here

PBS Holiday Reading Program- Activity 1 Day 5

For activity 1 day 5 I had to make a DLO. Then I had to find out- When the Harbour Bridge was built? Who designed the Harbour Bridge? How long did it take to build the Harbour Bridge? and How long is the Harbour Bridge? To find the questions I had to search it up on google because I didn't know the answers. I decided to put a photo of the Auckland Harbour Bridge. I also attributed the image.

PBS Holiday Reading Program- Bonus Activity Day 4

For the bonus activity of day 4 I had to look up  the Auckland Museum exhibitions. After I looked it up I had to create my own 5 photo exhibition. I chose to do a photography exhibition because I thought that it was easy. I had to make a DLO. For the DLO I did a google slide because I don't think that the 5 image exhibitions will fit on a google draw or any other DLO.

PBS Holiday Reading Program- Activity 2 Day 4

For activity 2 day 4 I had to find out when the Auckland Museum parade is held and why it is held. After we had had to say our answer on Vocaroo. If you don't know what Vocaroo is, it is a website that you record you voices on. I had to look on websites to see when the parade is held and why it's held. I had a lot of fun doing activity 2 of day 4.
Recording Link-Click Here

Monday, 2 October 2017

PBS Holiday Reading Program-Activity 1 Day 4

Fact 1-Austro Hungarian started war on Serbia so that they can get protected by the Germans, then the Russians started war on Austro Hungary that was supported by France. Other countries started making a world war. I find this fact interesting because a country started war then other countries started a bigger war.

Fact 2-The British and the French was trying to destroy the village Kiritha at a small mountain. I find this fact interesting because why would the British and French take down a village at a mountain?

Fact 3-The Anzac's had to put sandbags on their feet so that they didn't make any noise. I find this fact interesting because I didn't know that if you put sandbags on your feet it wouldn't make a noise.

For activity 1 day 4 I had to go on a museum site to find out things about a young soldier. Then I had to write down 3 interesting facts on the site. After I had to tell why I find the fact interesting. I got these facts by watching the videos on life of an Anzac solider. I listened to the videos a few times. I had a lot of fun doing this activity. The link-Museum Site

PBS Holiday Reading Program-Bonus Activity Day 3

For the bonus activity of day 3 I had to create a DLO that has the opening times and all the ticket prices on Kelly Tarlton. For the DLO I did a google slide.  To get full points I had to attribute the images. I had to look on the Kelly Tarlton Website to see the ticket prices. I had a lot of fun doing this activity. It took me a while to do this activity.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

PBS Holiday Reading Program-Activity 2 Day 3

For activity 2 day 3 I had to pick a creature from Kelly Tarlton. Then I had to make a infographic about their diet, habitat and their appearance. The creature that I picked was stingrays. I picked stingrays because their my favorite creature and I like how stingray flow nicely around the sea/water. I attributed the images so that I could get full points. I didn't know their appearance so I searched it up. I had a lot of fun doing this activity.

PBS Holiday Reading Program-Activity 1 Day 3

For Day activity 1 day 3 I had to go on the Kelly Tarlton website so that I could find out how much it would cost if I went there. I also had to find out how much it would cost my family. Then I had to write it down. I wrote it down on a google draw. I added a image to show you how much it costs for adults, children and family of 4. For me it costs 50 dollars to go inside the aquarium. For my family it costs 532 dollars. I had
Here is the site-Kelly Tarlton

PBS Holiday Reading Program-Bonus Activity Day 2

For the bonus activity for day 2 I had to find adventurous activities that you could do at the Sky Tower. After I found a adventurous activity I had to pick one of them and explain why I chose it and how much it costs. The adventurous activity that I picked was bungee jump. The price for bungee jump is really expensive. I decided to write down everything on a google draw. I added a photo of bungee jump to show you how it looks like with a person doing it.

PBS Reading Holiday Program-Activity 2 Day 2

For Activity 2 Day 2 I had to make my own mascot for the Sky City because the real mascot has been on a holiday. I explained what my mascot is wearing, what some of the parts represent and why I chose my mascot. I had to make a DLO to do this. The DLO that I did was a google draw. The original mascot it at the top right corner. The mascot that I made is in the middle of the google draw. Making my own mascot was a lot of fun. When I was make my mascot I looked at the original mascot to see how it looks like.